Member of the prayer group    
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Kouao Kablan Michel

Honouring God with praises is part of me.

Greetings IIPG members!  I joined you in the year 2007.

David said in his psalm that ;how good it is and how lovvely it is or brethren to live together in unity.One petition being demanded from me in one voice of multitude together WILL I do for you says the Lord.

I am  catholic who believes that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercedes for me in my prayers therefore I found it high exteem for joining such a group that give honoure to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I want to mature in prayer so I would need the prayers of other people too.I want also pray for others too.

Honouring God with praises is part of me since I am choir leader. Being a member in the prayer group would not only boost my prayer morals but woud also help in spreading your group's message to fellow catholics in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana as well.

Yours in-christ,
